Inspecting the black hole of SJ's homeless spending

Actual results of State homelessness initiatives seem lost in the cosmos, remarks Jeff Vaughn on Twitter, and get this: The $17.5 bil CA's spent over the last four years could have paid for every unhoused person's rent. But where's it all going? In SJ, every unsheltered homeless person could get over $15k/yr from our $116 mil budget, but are instead reaping costly (and largely ineffective) PSH projects.

Jeff Vaughn (@JeffVaughn): New Data Shows California Spent $17.5 Billion On Homeless As Population Grew. Theoretically the state could have paid the rent for each unhoused person in California.

Skepticalifornia (@skepticaliblog): It's almost as if the homeless are simply needed as human feedstock for the legions of unaccountable bureaucrats in the sprawling Homeless Industrial Complex that administers those billions of dollars, so the problem will never be "solved"

Tricia D (@patriciamdavis): Maybe it is time to start showing the houses of the executives who are getting the money to deal with homelessness in California instead of more videos of the homeless themselves.

This thread originally appeared in Twitter. Read the whole thing here.

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