Progressive Bay Area Dems waking up to Housing First failures

Matt Haney, SF Assemblymember, intro's AB2479--aiming to unlock state funds for sober living requirements in subsidized,  state-funded housing. The bill responds to the epidemic of drug overdoses and addiction enabled by CA's barrier-free, hugely expensive, and painfully slow-to-build Housing First model.   Additional reporting from Ethan Varian at the Merc, below.

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Jax OliverComment
"Gravely concerned:" BART Directors join chorus of leaders questioning the course of San Jose BART extension

On the heels of widening public apprehension about the now-$12.8bn extension of BART through downtown SJ from former mayors, the Mercury News, and nationally recognized transit experts, BART Directors Ames and Allen are asking the hard questions of project leaders across a spectrum of issues ranging from the costs of tunneling designs to ridership projections. Full text of Directors' memo below. 

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Jax OliverComment
A quick tutorial on recounts

Given all the confetti flying around CA16 votes, it's important to remember why recounts happen and what the accepted protocols are. Simply put, a recount is “a retabulation of the votes cast in an election.” It's meant to corroborate the certified election results such that election officials can ensure that all the ballots cast are counted accurately and that the correct candidate or ballot issue wins. unpacks the specifics.  Spoiler alert: recounts rarely change many votes, very rarely change outcomes, although they sometimes do in super tight races. 

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Jax OliverComment
☆ SJ's homeless study session excludes alternate views

SJ City hosts another panel aiming to solve the city’s housing and homelessness crisis. Another echo chamber ensues. Scott Beyer of the Market Urbanism Report explores how City staff privileges consideration of failed, costly programs that advantage favored non profits and systemically shut out public deliberation of more effective, market-proven solutions. An Opp Now exclusive.

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Jax OliverComment
Case study: San Diego acts decisively to relieve homelessness with high-capacity shelters while San Jose dawdles, misallocates funds

Even as San Jose's homelessness crisis lengthens, city staff continue to slow-walk shelter solutions as proposed by CM's Doan and Batra--and choose instead to throw millions more at their failed Housing First model. San Diego offers a more humane, cost-effective approach: increase shelter capacity quickly via conversions of vacant warehouse space. NBC San Diego outlines the way forward, below.

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Jax Oliver