UCSD Medicine School analysis: “Anti-racist” evangelism corrupts higher education

Nonprofit Do Not Harm, which exposes Wokeism in the medical discipline, recently reported on UCSD’s School of Medicine. With hardly a side glance from CA’n residents, this department pushes affirmative action hiring practices and teaches that race permeates healthcare—all to uphold an ideologically-biased anti-racist stance, as encouraged by SJ’s Racial Equity Office. National Review breaks down Do No Harm’s report on UCSD’s racially discriminatory practices, which presumably engender “a lower quality in medical outcomes.”

A new report by the nonprofit Do No Harm found the University of California San Diego School of Medicine has increasingly focused on “diversity, equity and inclusion” efforts in recent years, including incorporating principles of critical race theory into curricula.

“At the institutional level, UCSD’s medical school has created a number of internal bureaucracies dedicated to the ideas of DEI at both the staffing and teaching levels, including in ways that can foster active discrimination and a lower quality in medical outcomes,” writes Do No Harm, a nonprofit focused on stopping the “woke takeover” of health care.

The report notes that UCSD took “symbolic actions,” including implementing a “pass/fail” policy for medical students during their first two years and forming an “Anti-Discrimination Task Force” in the Division of Geriatrics, Gerontology and Palliative Care as part of its “commitment to becoming an anti-racist institution.”

The medical school also has a Family Medicine Diversity and Anti-Racism Committee, which is run with a mission to “help achieve greater health equity and social justice,” including by pushing to teach a curriculum “grounded on a framework of empathy and anti-racism,” retain and hire a “diverse faculty,” and promote scholarship focused on “healthcare disparities.”

This article originally appeared in National Review. Read the whole thing here.

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Jax Oliver