School Choice is Social Justice

Mitch Daniels, former governor of Indiana, comments on the universal K-12 school voucher program he implemented over noisy union dissent. His comments address issues central to the current state and county efforts to constrain charter schools.

"The starting point for me has always been that the debate over school choice needs to be defined by a term which has been, I think, improperly appropriated by others: This is a social justice issue. Social justice, first of all, cannot be allowed to only mean taking money from A and handing it to B. That can occasionally be just. But what is just is one of the fundamental questions always. Any everybody should be able to lay claim to it if they have a good argument. So whatever social justice is, enabling poor people to have the same choice about one of the most fundamental of life's decision--the education of their child--qualifies, so I always talked about it that way."

See more on Daniels' voucher program here.

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Simon Gilbert