Perspective: CA’s outmigration epidemic has bad public policies to blame

Front Page Magazine’s Larry Sand discusses the Golden State exoduses en masse. Considering CA’s taxpayer money abuses, forced union membership, and medically irresponsible policies, is it surprising that more people are “U-hauling it out of California” than any other state?

Many Californians realize that the state’s leadership is a disaster and are leaving…en masse. A study released last week revealed that great numbers of people are U-Hauling it out of California and flocking to states with lower taxes, better schools, more traditional values, etc. In fact, California led the country in out-migration in 2022, with far more one-way U-Haul rentals leaving the state than coming in….

 Another way the state is fleecing taxpayers is a new law that forces them to pay up to $400 million of union dues. As National Right to Work Foundation President Mark Mix avers, “The idea that they’re going to give union members a tax credit, which is really just a dollar for dollar reduction in the taxes they owe… is really just another example of how Gavin Newsom and the regressives in the California General Assembly in Sacramento are trying to trying to use governmental tax policy to get more workers into unions, which means more union dues for political expenditures….”

Another law puts the state in control of fast-food restaurants. The socialist inspired AB 257 creates a ten-member “Fast Food Council,” which would serve for ten years. The commissars are tasked with setting wages and working conditions for the fast-food industry. But after a group of restaurants balked and collected petition signatures against this outrageous law, it has mercifully been put on hold.

This article originally appeared in Front Page Magazine. Read the whole thing here.

This article is part of an exclusive Opp Now series on California’s outmigration crisis:

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Image by Brian Hackworth

Jax Oliver